WP3: Guidelines

This WP will focusses on drafting EU-wide guidelines on the technical standards and oversight requirements to be adopted by entities and establishments handling human milk. First step will include review of current evidence and in-depth analysis of existing guidelines, both at national and international levels. Dedicated surveys will be conducted to gather on-field data. Once these data will be are collected, the Expert Forum will start drafting guidelines on the technical standards to be adopted by entities and establishments handling human milk. Moreover, the Expert Forum will focusr on current national and international oversight recommendations and the new SoHO regulation, to develop guidelines on oversight requirements to be met by DHM entities and establishments, which will be used as reference by competent authorities. Feedbacks and insights by relevant stakeholders will be gathered, and guidelines finalised.



  • Review evidence and existing guidelines

  • Carry out surveys on human milk establishments at EU level

  • Produce EU guidelines focused on the technical standards to be adopted by the relevant entities and establishments handling human milk

  • Produce EU guidelines focused on oversight requirements to be met by such establishments and to be used as reference by the competent authorities



German Human Milk Bank Initiative (FMBI)


WP2: Expert Forum


WP4: Implementation Plan